The proliferation of the use of Styrofoam as food containers icar canada unstoppable ranging from fast food restaurants to roadside food vendors. In the world of industry Styrofoam used as insulation / barrier so that the object inside temperature remains cold or hot.
But did you know the object was stored clean white looks great threat. Usually dgunakan as a container of chicken porridge, chicken noodles, fried rice, chicken icar canada rice etc. Many traders outsmart danger Styrofoam with plastic coating on it. But these efforts will not be able to stem the danger of the use of Styrofoam, especially for hot food containers and beminyak. "Heat may also be easily degraded, easily separated, so it will be easy to diffuse or migrate into foodstuffs. So beminyak and will heat faster "said Drs. Sunadi Head of Lab. Chemical Afialiasi UI.
World Health Organization or WHO categorizes Styrofoam as a carcinogenic substance or substances that trigger cancer. This is because the chemicals that are in stryrofoam bepindah to food when the food is hot. Styrofoam is composed of grains polistiben processed with benzene. icar canada Benzene is classified as chemicals that could lead to various icar canada diseases among alain syarraf disrupt the system so that it can cause fatigue, mempecepat heartbeat, easy restlessness and sleeplessness. In addition, benzene is also biased Causes damage to the spinal cord and loss of consciousness and death. Styrofoam it is waterproof, not easily leak and inexpensive. So many food vendors and restaurants use Styrofoam box. But beware because the danger still mengncam Styrofoam your life!
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