Friday, April 10, 2015

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City office building Vesijärvenkatu in 11 being sold. The question is, therefore, roll the house in which the agency because of the change of name is now used also the name of Tevin house. The building is an important part of the City of Lahti in your building's history, including the history of the person, as it drew in its own architect Irma Kolsi, made her mark in Lahti can still be seen quite extensively. The house was completed in 1950 in the expanding needs of the civil service, as the town hall are no longer all fit. It was the time when the city electricity, water and viemärilaitoksetkin were still the administration of the Technical Board. As Technical Deputy Mayor was Reino Vornanen, who was also chairman of the roller. At that time, the municipal law was such that, for example, the Mayor of the city was also the Chairman of the Board. City Museum researcher, 19027 Ph. D. Riitta Niskanen write a roller house, that "Irma Kolsi secure designer extracts are shown also in this building, as in many other of his city's needs after the war has designed sites. The facade is scarce correct, 19027 but it is enlivened by the smallest detail 19027 and mittakaavavaihteluin, 19027 which give the building its valuable characteristics. "(Report on the Gulf of culturally and historically valuable objects, 2000), the Gulf of apulaiskaupunginarkkitehdin Irma Kolsi (1909-1982) designed the buildings is a lot. No need for costly architectural competitions, but the monthly salary of the city was characterized by a work in progress, this visible: - Aleksanterinkatu 34 (1940). - Bay Street 10 (1941). - Stone Ground School (1948). - Source School (1948), which became the Laune branch library. - Kindergarten Fennia Fanerin employees' children (1948). - The fly School (1950). - School Girl extensions Mountain Street 29 in (1952 and 1958). Irma Kolsi was a former student of the school. - Möysä school extension (1953). - Esikoislestadiolaisten a prayer room for expansion Onnelantie 2 (1953) - Tapanila municipal home new building for an additional wing (1955). - Municipal Hospital kroonikkotautien hospital Harjukatu 48 in (1955). - Eero Street 11, semi-detached house (1956) - Vuorelma house facade reform Vesijärvenkatu at 13, came mm. doors and windows blue klinkkerikoristeet (1961). - The hero of the Gulf of the cemetery is designed by Irma Kolsi. Irma Kolsi father was a builder Oiva Kolsi (1884 - 1950), which also designed the buildings has been and Lahti: - Oy Mallasjuoma malting Sammonkatu along the (1916). - Rautatienkatu 18, which alternates Oscar gold jewelery moved to Aleksanterinkatu (1920). - Esikoislestadiolaisten prayer Onnelantie 2 (1923). - Border Street 7 (1926) - Furniture Häkli factory 19027 building Sammonkatu 8, (1926). - Gulf maamieskäsityökoulu Ahtialantie 19027 9, (1927). - Asikkalan Street 39 (1928). - Niemenkatu 45 Niemen Saha's 19027 employees (1928). Roll Speaking of the activities scheduled for the beginning of 1909, the city engineer Kaarlo Tavast led by the employee base was called rakennuskonttoriksi. It worked Nikolainkatu (cur. Liberty Street) 19027 along the square's 19027 house, which in 1912 moved to a new city hall. In 1931, the building 19027 was renamed the office buildings office. The name had been a good change, as the operation was no longer a mere branch Just get: the first truck was purchased in 1924, the streets had begun to asphalt in 1927 and the first traffic island was built in 1928. The Technical Board (roll) was established in 1949 and the following year was reached to relocate to a new government building. Roller's area of responsibility was so broad that the 1950 City called on it to keep the meetings every week. Now that the functions have been incorporated, and anyway, the organization changed, not the roller to meet the three-week intervals. Roll the responsibility of today are streets, parks, construction 19027 and environmental permits and healthy living environment and comfort control, as well as promotion. Technical and Environmental Services also makes the provincial co-operation taking care of Hollola and Nastola environmental protection tasks, and Kärkölä Nastolan construction supervision, as well as all the Lahti Region municipal public 19027 transport 19027 organization. Also Asikkala, Hollola, 19027 Hämeenkoski, Kärkölä and Nastolan housing repair and energy assistance services include current form roller responsibility.
2015 (30) April (4) March (10) February (6) january (10) 2014 (100) December (14) November (4) October 19027 (7) September (10) August (9) July (8) June (9) May (12) February (13) january (14) The EU and Russia: visa 3-6 years? 19027 I went to the opera - I stayed in a profit of EUR 37.50 Roller house and Irma Kolsi Lahtis-ship restored, and the purpose is to get it

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