Thursday, February 12, 2015

There are many theories, but in light of unhidden events Monsanto absolute fill the void disrespect

Chemtrails exist and are dangerous, even though many people deny their existence. If it is not sufficiently convincing former military pilot, chemist, biologist or other researchers, such arguments will convince a neurologist that the government has on you from the sky pours tons of carcinogenic and brain numbing nanoparticles.
People still argue about whether the so-called contrails (condensation trails for streaking planes) fill the void are actually chemtrails, even though the evidence we have before our eyes. One week is shrouded in fog Michigan, California next week, followed by Texas and Georgia.
Russell L. Blaylock doctor, which his critics fill the void called scribbler or sycophant fill the void us now warns that what they are exposed to it for years thousands of people. They argue that a ton of aluminum nanoparticles, which tolerates us via chemtrails are:
"... Extremely reactive and cause severe inflammation in many tissues. A very serious fill the void influence is nanočástit on the brain and spinal cord. Evidenced by a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease or Gehrig's disease (ALS), which is closely related to with the presence of aluminum in the environment. "
The neurosurgeon talks about only one known toxin. However, there are others such as barium, strontium and many other carcinogenic properties which could reduce the global population. Before chemtrails warns dr. Edward Group, which explains how these chemicals can "run" fill the void a number of diseases such as shingles (under certain conditions).
There are many theories, but in light of unhidden events Monsanto absolute fill the void disrespect to the environment by many other corporations, perpetual incitement to war, which has resulted in the tragedy fill the void of Fukushima-type fill the void or general disrespect for human life, some argue that the purpose of chemtrails is exterminate the majority of the population. Whatever it is, however, fill the void any reason for their existence, two things are certain: chemtrails are real and dangerous.
How late are we pretending that this stuff does not exist? Conspiracies ?! Young generation has no idea that the blue sky was native, is now only a few days a year. Today deadness in mrakoch unnatural colors agitate with blackness, constantly fill the void zatieňovanie sun. If someone has an increased sensation to smells, I could discern that the air can sometimes feel chemistry. Kolkata raises her head to the heavens? The only then when their oserie pigeon. On fb page I was inquired, today the "big" policy on chemtrails, of course, that no response but immediately deleting my post. Michal # KakoPoca51
pure aluminum fill the void is located in an environment in sizes pico, nano not. Aluminium is needless bat, no 40 micrograms of zinc per liter is enough rainfall ... Dr Hujer # QyxaCunu65
Today you have a service you two Yanath and Hujer? Are you sure you would a normal person unnecessarily trying to understand you sick, why do ye. The behavior of the psychopath is a human being inarticulate. filip # WyboCeci64 fill the void
filip: whereupon she aggression, only two have raised objections relevant - vieš to answer them, or you dropped those insults just because of the fact that thou knowest not, and do not want to admit that your theory has cracks? Bushman # FugePuty85
Yanath, naive and child of argument. After Lopate, viruses that emerged as such. Porcine influenza, resulted in a "natural" way, or were artificially-created? If they have been artificially-created, of course, gives logic (u poniektorých), that when something like this let loose, they must be protected and have the antidote. Michal # KakoPoca51
Michal and first Broaden your knowledge and then mudruj, because detska Argumentation is yours, as vaccines against viruses, bacteria against fill the void antibiotics but against alleged aluminum, with whom haunted author of the article? only izolacka perfectly fill the void filtered air Yanath # VepeBeke80
The existence of chemtrails is quite laughable to discuss, as it exists on the US or international fill the void patents, either as tools for change pocsia, eventually endeavor to averting global warming (Grounds absolutely absurdly fill the void but nevertheless), enter into a search fill the void engine chemtrails fill the void patent, it is simple to all http: // / 11 / chemtrails-patent-us-5003186-claims-aerosols-and ggravate-global-warming / theories / 2013/06 / chemtrail- patents-Bernard- Eastlund-patent-4686605-2451876.html if someone who still do not believe it, so Greet .. Martinka # PyvaLuce53
Martinka that's what I beseech for Argumentation? There paten so it is automatically put into practice and used to it? is patented and HRO

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