I read in the News, the Czech-Slovak-Kurdish gang in Britain raped girls and minors. If no date no Kurdistan, what right racist News reported ethnicity of those Turks and Iraqis or Syrians? Indeed, it has no Kurds but Turks II, II Iraqis or Syrians II! Exactly like the gypsies, who are designated as Czechs and Slovaks, even without the twos. How do I explain this to Krystlíkem? ... Of modernization: I assume that repulsive dictator who threatens visiting the Czech Republic, the Russian II ...
This is true, for advanced okcidentálce knisterfolie begins east of the Oder and Neisse patchwork of Asian cultures and dialects. However, while those gypsies indicating the nationality and with the Kurds just only their ethnikum. Not only is this pecinovina ridiculous, but on top of that blatantly nekonsekventní! Clear
Cha cha, Channel 4 said Ethnicity thugs, so obediently followed even Čulík. Tsk, tsk, tsk ... It is a Kurd from Iraq, so it is a Czech-Slovak-Iraqi gang (v Pecinovský dialect) or gypsy-Kurdish gang (Language affordable undeveloped people). Clear
A friend of one American people in the war against terrorism, at least in a ponytail. Like a bloody dog Saddam in the eighties. http://www.blisty.cz/art/56039.html Clear
Gypsies, who owns a Czech passport are of course Czechs ... Face it, no one in the world will belong after that, what their genes, or whether the grandmother was a gypsy father and a Jew. - German passport, Czech jurisdiction, knisterfolie Czech nation. Holt the Czech nation has a dark persons belonging to ethnic ..:-) This absolutely barbaric and murderous attitude towards women of course, has its roots in Islam. Again and again confirms this. And we in America we have evil gangs and yes, often, but not vsiechny in ghettos are gangs Township .. But there is a difference compared to Europe. Meanwhile, thank goodness, so far, this sexual animals are not so multiplied to such at you in Europe, where just one element of Islamic emigrants plays a big role. It depends largely on whether male and teenagers can be downloaded to such a cruel and deviantskym games, whether sexually excites with rape. Gang as exhibits, terorisuje and torture, knisterfolie mostly white meat, it must have some willing participant. Without the participant's not .. I now poloimpotentni the loo, whom he has stood Kasparek during normal sex perverts that necessitates the violence and pain ... Tech seems to me that even in the EU is increasing, not only from a gypsy, but also the vice etnocesi barbarisuji .. I'm surprised at the real causes of violence in the EU posud did not warn anyone, arguing only about ethnicity .. So when Islamists knisterfolie to train not only gypsies but also blue-eyed cechacky in murder and rape, and then it will be ok. that .. . Those Cesi, ethnicity Romani, this enGlIsH horror successors Kurdish knisterfolie leader, are primitive monkeys and whether he wants to or not, you will non-Roma in the world thrown into the same bag .. That said, with the gypsies have a guilt but only half, the second half is guilt on ethnickych "Czechs' pac many are racists. .Tedy On you ...:-) Now, gentlemen, now into everything Do not pull America, it looks much like a desperate attempt at obfuscation and odklonovani knisterfolie something else, -pockejte to something more dignified for your remarks about democracy, meanwhile Worry the order in the Czech ... Although lately I cechacky proud uz should I hear it, "and you turn you hit blacks" ......:-))))))) Reply Delete
Gypsies, who owns a Czech passport are of course knisterfolie Czechs ... In English. Not in English, which understands Czechness as ethnicity rather than nationality. Indeed, I think that many gypsy would you put on this statement slap because of him doing some fucking guy named. Mass rape has nothing to do with Islam. In recent years, as popular in India. Those Cesi, ethnicity Romani, this enGlIsH horror knisterfolie successors knisterfolie Kurdish knisterfolie leader, Iraqi Daniel, an Iraqi! Be careful what you write. Kurdi Iraqi passport are still, of course, Iraqis or not? Blame Gypsy crime (even abroad) Czech racists, stupidity worthy Čulík or Kostlán. And how did you come to that, it retracts into America, it is a mystery to me! ... Clear
You do not understand. Those who are in India raping Muslim, not Hindu. I'll try an example: I was in Pakistan 3/4 year and I had a bunch of fifteen Muslims as installers. Every day, someone pulled me to visit and roaring in my head. For them, a woman in a skirt really available. They nevymlouvají, for them it is really so. Even in the India. Saree is a dress for them whores. For those "hard worker" (I would prefer ten gypsies and work would be done sooner and better), for example, there was no difference between porn and classical European knisterfolie music indickejma filmama Bollywood. Koukaj them as seeds. Once here like this appeared in the campus with an assistant of PZ and evening delegation came to me that if I am already a whore, that would be willing to pay. And this can pull the SOCAN to Europe, to have them who to vote for. Clear
Embeso writes: "You do not understand. Those who are in India raping knisterfolie Muslim, not
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