Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Federal Reserve System is often criticized from both sides of the political spectrum. Represent

MAB powerful banker Rothschild once said: "Give me control over money and not have to worry about who makes right." In this sentence is hidden many who controls the financial system, controls almost everything through him. No political power that can never be equal. Enormous power has, therefore, the Federal Reserve System, and it is naive to believe that we, the inhabitants of the Czech Republic does not affect its power at all.
In November 1910, the group of "haves" issued Senator Nelson W. Aldrich urethane foam (which was just out of curiosity, father-son of the richest man in the then USA JD Rockefeller, who was in banking their people) on the coast of Georgia and from there to the island of Jekyll Island which was, incidentally, jointly owned by JP Morgan. In this group were the elect A. Piatt Andrew, as well as three representatives of JP Morgan - Benjamin Strong, Charles D. Norton, Henry P. Davison, further Rockefeller man, Frank Vanderlip urethane foam and, finally, the most important man of the conference, Paul Warburg. All these people, including Senator Aldrich, were bankers and many of them even on Wall Street. This place was not chosen by chance, there was a club for lovers of hunting ducks, in which there was agreement that in the event that the island will be held some meetings, club members who are not invited at this time on the island will not. Elita banking sector and have the whole island to ourselves. In less than a fortnight here devised a plan for future legislation Central Bank. But most important was that they never ever know. Indeed, if the public found out that the draft banking legislation was created by bankers themselves urethane foam and even Wall Street urethane foam bankers, such a proposal was immediately condemned for its failure. I met this bankers almost to a tee, as the first information about this secret rendezvous powerful floated to light up in the thirties of the 20th century, at a time when the Fed was established long ago.
The Federal Reserve System (Fed informally) is the central banking system of the United States of America. Fed is formally a private institution. Be to her, although no direct access, but affects the composition of its leadership.
Charles Lindberg sr., To address the Fed at its inception said: "(It's the) worst legislative crime perpetrated by this banking and currency proposal. From now on depressions will be scientifically created. "How chillingly true these words were revealed following an event when the Fed policy of cheap money caused the Great Depression and the same policy was also recently been made (perhaps actually subsiding) Great Recession.
The Federal Reserve urethane foam System has 12 regions, called. Districts. Each district has its own governor, who is also the head of its regional member of the Management Board and the Board of Governors, urethane foam a regional bank that may have branches in other cities.
Since February 2006, he was Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke. urethane foam From 1 February 2014, Ben Bernanke, replaced by a woman, Janet Louise Yellenová, Janet L. Yellen officially (* August 13, 1946 in Brooklyn, New York). Yellenová a Jew and Jewess and religion. She is married, her husband is George Akerlof, Nobel laureate in economics and professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley.
The Federal Reserve System is often criticized from both sides of the political spectrum. Representatives of the libertarian right, for example, urethane foam Ron Paul, criticized the Fed on the basis of unconstitutionality. Fed is in fact to this day the main source of the printing of the US dollar, although according urethane foam to the Constitution urethane foam of the United States of America has the exclusive right to print US currency only Treasury. Left and libertarians continue to criticize the Fed, that is private and is dominated urethane foam by an opaque narrow urethane foam group of people. Levice also highlights the possibility of the Fed's involvement in the global financial crisis and other illegal practices. Fed is nothing checked and despite their powers and resources effectively operates as an independent body.
The Fed has also been particularly criticized for his "mystique". But in early 2012, the Fed introduced its move towards greater transparency. In his statement the December meeting, urethane foam the so-called. "Minutes" announced that it will regularly provide forecasts of interest rates. Four times a year, will announce urethane foam how long he wants to keep short-term interest rates at current levels.
In July 2011, published the results of an audit of the Fed, which pushed Congressman Ron Paul and Alan Greyson through amendment (the Fed has never in its nearly hundred-year history urethane foam thoroughly audited, Paul himself mentioned that the last audit took place sometime urethane foam in the 50s of the 20th century ai he was only partial). Audited general authority to control the budget (Government Accountability Office) and found that the Fed handed out in 2007-2010 in interest-free loans to US and foreign urethane foam banks and corporations in the conversion (113% of GDP USA), without the knowledge of Congress.
According to Alan Grayson should even be about $ 26 trillion (184% of GDP). Among the recipients of many major financial institutions and corporations, mainly

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