Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A combination of apples or oranges or mixed, with raffia honeycomb bong bow makes a wonderful extra

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Dried apples or oranges give quiet tone in our compositions and you can add them to wreaths, table configurations, baskets, and any construction using natural materials honeycomb bong dried. You can use them alone to make ornaments, garlands and more. Be sure to drain the different sizes of apples and oranges.
Cut apples into slices perpendicular as in the picture, half a centimeter thick, leaving the peel. Soak the slices for 20 minutes in a mixture of two cups of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons honeycomb bong of salt. Make sure you completely cover the slices with the mixture. Remove the slices and beat the gently dry with paper towels. Put on a wire rack you've already put in a pan (for easy movement) and put them in the oven at 70 degrees for about 6 hours to dry. If you start to curl the flip. When ready slices must have leathery texture. Sprinkle each slice with two layers of acrylic lacquer, honeycomb bong the second layer after drying the first.
Cut each orange in horizontal slices, like in the picture half a centimeter thick. Cast extreme slices. Put on a wire rack you've already put in a pan (for easy movement) and put them in the oven at 70 degrees for about 6 hours to dry. If you start to curl the edges flip the slices. When dry, must be flexible.
You can use slices honeycomb bong of whole or cut them in half, depending on where you want to insert. Sprinkle each slice with two layers of acrylic lacquer, the second layer after drying the first.
A combination of apples or oranges or mixed, with raffia honeycomb bong bow makes a wonderful extra gift boxes. Make your own gifts and additives for use ecological paper bags for best overall results.
Once you drain the fruit you will think more and more uses as you run your imagination. Dried fruits give particular country tone to all our compositions! honeycomb bong
The Adamantia honeycomb bong is an agronomist. He Floriculture - Landscaping in Arta. Her love of nature made her to develop further their studies through the Department of Environmental Design of Cities and Buildings in Greek Open University, which makes her master. Also writes the column go green hosted by the thebest.gr for gardens, flowers and gives advice regarding green.
created honeycomb bong by eight8.

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