Friday, July 11, 2014

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Building insulation materials used in a wide variety of building 5k foam fest insulation paper which was the most common use of thermal insulation materials, 5k foam fest inorganic materials 5k foam fest have expanded perlite, aerated concrete, rock wool, glass wool and other organic 5k foam fest materials are polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, etc.. These materials are the advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation performance, mainly 5k foam fest by the thermal conductivity 5k foam fest of the material level (indicator of its thermal conductivity) of the decision. Thermally conductive materials more difficult (ie, smaller thermal conductivity), its thermal insulation properties 5k foam fest will be better. Generally speaking, the common characteristics of thermal insulation materials are lightweight, loose, porous or fibrous form, its interior is not blocking 5k foam fest the flow of air to the heat conduction. Which inorganic materials are non-combustible, wide operating temperature, good chemical resistance and other characteristics, organic materials have high strength, 5k foam fest low water absorption, better impermeability and other characteristics. Text in the above common insulation material, expanded perlite, rock wool, glass wool, thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and other materials are relatively small, although there are differences in the level, but the difference is not great, belong efficient insulation materials, but no load-bearing function; thermal insulation properties 5k foam fest of aerated concrete is better than ordinary concrete brick and other building materials, but lower than the more efficient insulation material. Because of aerated concrete is cement, 5k foam fest lime, quartz sand, fly ash, slag and blowing aluminum, etc., through the high-pressure or atmospheric pressure steam curing 5k foam fest is made, greater density, dry capacity is about 300-700kg per cubic meter , the use of industrial waste, 5k foam fest there is a certain load-bearing capacity, can double as insulation and masonry wall bearing a single use. Text is made of expanded perlite perlite particles calcined expansion, because our country is rich in original source, the production process is relatively simple, great production, prices cheaper. Granular perlite, lightweight, bulk density is about 50-150kg per cubic meter, easily dispersed by the wind, low moisture absorption rate, but easy to absorb water, damp insulation effect is greatly reduced. Availability of cement, lime or sodium silicate plaster or stir dubbed into plate, tube watts, 5k foam fest but its performance is less than loose insulation material, some added water repellent or add asphalt with water-resistant, moisture-proof function. Rockwool after basalt, andesite and other mineral melt by blowing into the avant-garde or centrifugation method, 5k foam fest then add into board adhesives, carpets, 5k foam fest strip, tube shell and other products, the bulk density of thermal paper per cubic meter 80-200kg, heat resistance 5k foam fest Well, the general temperature of 350 , especially for furnaces and pipe insulation. In the case under load, the bulk density increased, decreased insulation properties. During transportation and storage to avoid the rain flooding. Glass wool is to silica sand, limestone, quartz and other materials melted by flame, centrifugation or blowing into the legal system. Straight to the fiber diameter smaller car insulation paper were excellent, glass wool in general, better quality building insulation paper is the average 5k foam fest diameter of the 1st wool 7μm, but also pay attention to the shot content. Made in the fiber board added adhesives, tapes, carpets, shells and other products used. Light weight, bulk density 15-30kg per cubic meter or larger again. Shop conveniently hang or paste than abroad for a pitched roof ceiling insulation is widespread. Be careful not to be stored in the open air, to avoid water absorption. Because polystyrene plate light and easy text, use was very common, such material light weight, weight per cubic meter 15-50kg, 5k foam fest easy to cut, low water absorption, high compressive strength, resistance to low temperature -80 , but the use of temperature not be higher than 75 , after joining a self-extinguishing flame, chemical stability, resistance to acid, alkali, salt erosion, but can be dissolved in solvents such as acetone, gasoline, etc. In the future, extruded polystyrene 5k foam fest because of high strength, excellent resistance to weather performance, 5k foam fest there will be greater development, should be used for inverted roof, floor insulation and so on. Polyurethane foam according to the different materials used, there are two kinds of polyether and polyurethane, foam made by the reaction, but also soft and hard points. Flexible polyurethane 5k foam fest lightweight, flexible, tear resistance, shock resistance. High-strength hard, non-absorbent, 5k foam fest easily deformed, using a wide temperature range, the adhesive can be used with other materials, easy foam construction, can be directly pouring foam, such as for infusion sealing effect is very good. Text In addition, there is a foil insulation materials, aluminum foil and kraft Department After bonding, the composite made of corrugated sheet metal, aluminum can also be molded pieces can be multi-layered set as mezzanine wall or roof, lightweight , moisture, heat, cold performance are good.
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