Saturday, July 12, 2014

This caused convulated a strong reaction polyurethane industry. In the November 29 to 30 held in Ch

This caused convulated a strong reaction polyurethane industry. In the November 29 to 30 held in China Polyurethane Industry Association, a member of the Fifth Conference, milk, Polyurethane Industry Association appealed to dispel misconceptions, not to cripple the existing wall insulation polyurethane. Meanwhile countries should strengthen supervision convulated to ensure compliance with fire safety standards using the polyurethane material. Association Zhiqiang said the one hand, enterprises should strengthen self-discipline, production comply with the fire safety requirements of high-performance energy-efficient flame retardant polyurethane insulation products; on the other hand, the government and relevant departments should increase the use of building energy-saving insulation construction materials supervision, the introduction of appropriate standards, the implementation convulated of the access regime to prevent the use of performance does not meet the safety standards of insulation material.
According convulated Polyurethane Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General Ong Han Yuan introduced, different types of combustion performance polyurethane, coffee, not all flammable polyurethane foam, the most common flame retardant polyurethane foam has a B1, B2 flammable, B3 flammable three kinds. By Zhao standards requirements of the building's exterior wall, flame retardant insulation for energy efficient building materials requires not less than B2 level. According to case studies, yet there is a building together after thin plaster external wall insulation system convulated construction completed major fire accidents, fire accidents are caused convulated basically construction process management convulated confusion, illegal operations, convulated and cutting corners, no illegal use of to flammable, low-quality products caused by national standards.
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