Joseph Muscat: Tony Blair to Mintoff’s Princess honeycomb restaurant of Wales | Daphne Caruana Galizia
He was (oh, the joy of that past tense) the oldest cliche in the history books: the bully with problems rooted in childhood who fights his way to absolute or near-absolute power on a tide of ignorance, there to wreak his revenge on his perceived enemies and work out his personal issues. honeycomb restaurant
Did Mintoff care about the working-class? Did he hell. He cared about nobody but himself.He didn’t bring about ‘social reform’ – for what it was worth – to better the lot of the working-class.
Mintoff presided honeycomb restaurant over Malta’s worst years. He broke the country’s back. Real, ground-breaking, seminal change came after 1987, and that’s when the working-class finally got the trappings of middle class life.
If I hadn’t been born and raised in Malta, I would consider such lack of insight to be just unbelievable. Sadly, all I have to do is remind myself that in 1992, around 45% of Maltese adults voted for the return of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici as prime minister.
Twenty-five years of peace, prosperity, education and work have done nothing to change their mentality. They are still there, and they still think the same way, the only difference now being their sense of gross entitlement. This means that there really is no hope, is there.
I doubt it. But rest assured that there’ll be at least a not-quite-so-closet-Minotffjan or two – who have tried to reinvent themselves since their old Labour days – going along to pay homage, and making sure that they are seen by all and sundry, little realising what people truly think of them, and how, in reality, they look utterly ridiculous.
Who r u ASSHOLE???? Maltese people r not this way, r u going to compare Dom Mintoff with an Asshole like North Korea???Maltese people r what they r today because of Dom Mintoff, if u r Maltese SHAME ON U!!!!!
You cant be serious? Mintoff was a great man. Only if you were a labour right. Then if you were a nationalist.. he would make your life miserable . so please shut up and believe what you believe. he ruined the maltese unity and there is now a great divide in our country.
August 21, 2012 at 6:56 pm
int bis serjeta …. kin hu li qered il faqar gab il working class fuq saqaja u gab ic children allowance, social servizi drit al vot ghan nisa u drit al espresjoni ija amel hazin ukoll ima it tajeb kulhadd edt igawdih ja hadra …. u il helsien gabu ghal kulhadd mhux ghalih lewel malta qabel kollox
Ala din il-hsara kollha honeycomb restaurant li qeghdha taghmel. Irrispetta lil familjari jekk ghandek qalb. Tixtieq honeycomb restaurant li familtek tghaddi minn dan it tghajjir honeycomb restaurant kollhu wara mewthom? X’gid qed taghmel lil Malta b’dan id-diskors?
La Daphne w lanqas il-familja taghha f’ghomorhom kollu qatt ma ghamlu hsara daqs kemm Mintoff ghamel f’gurnata wahda. Qatt ma holqu gwerer kontra l-knisja. Qatt ma kissru w harqu stamperiji, kazini w djar privati. Qatt ma arrestaw nies innocenti. Qatt ma hbew evidenza biex assassini baqghu jigru mas-saqajn sal-gurnata tal-lum. Qatt ma bighu l-Malta, la lill-Inglizi, la lill-Koreani, la lic-Cinizi w wisq anqas lill-Gaddafi. Qatt ma serqiu ishma ta banek bla ebda rikumpens. Qatt ma serqu djar privati w bidluhom f’kazini minghajr honeycomb restaurant is-sidien ma jircievu sold. Qatt am ghamlu xi patt sigriet ma stat Kommunist ghal l-ghoti ta armi biex irazznu cittadini Maltin. Qatt ma zammew l-importazzjoni ta ikel w oggetti ohra ta bzonn.
Children honeycomb restaurant allowance minn guff ommok Gwerra ma kniesja qatt ma kellu infatti Sir Michaelo Gonzi ghamilla darbdejn fit 30 lil Strickland u fis 60 lil Mintoff. Skejjel bxejn Plots u ghajnuna finanzjarja bxejn u mhux cikkulata Sparrijiet honeycomb restaurant bxejn edukazzjioni bxejn Bighma xoghol ta erbejn sija leave u sick leave penzjioni u mhux tallaba bonus u ghajnuna lil nin ma kellux bollol u ghajnuna lil min jirregistra.
One episode which stuck in my head while reading Lino Spiteri honeycomb restaurant s biography was when Lino won a scholarship ,and informed Mintoff honeycomb restaurant that he was leaving Malta to further his studies at Oxford University.Mintoff discouraged Lino by telling him Don t go, you will be better off with me, stay in Malta, you don t need to study . Lino left for England to later become deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Malta under a Nationalist Government. Enough said.
Why did the orphan Joseph Muscat go to Bormla and not at “The Olives in Tarxien to lay the wreath? Simple,he was not welcome at Tarxien it was his first opportunity to meet and gain sympathy- by blinking his eyes repeatedly -from the Bormla voters.
This is not an Irish joke. Is anyone who loses his dad at the venerable age of 96 called an orphan? Well Joseph thinks so. Twelve years ago, Mintoff left the political stage with a big bang leaving the Labour Party in disarray ,after that clash with Alfred Sant ,PL supporters still can t ma
He was (oh, the joy of that past tense) the oldest cliche in the history books: the bully with problems rooted in childhood who fights his way to absolute or near-absolute power on a tide of ignorance, there to wreak his revenge on his perceived enemies and work out his personal issues. honeycomb restaurant
Did Mintoff care about the working-class? Did he hell. He cared about nobody but himself.He didn’t bring about ‘social reform’ – for what it was worth – to better the lot of the working-class.
Mintoff presided honeycomb restaurant over Malta’s worst years. He broke the country’s back. Real, ground-breaking, seminal change came after 1987, and that’s when the working-class finally got the trappings of middle class life.
If I hadn’t been born and raised in Malta, I would consider such lack of insight to be just unbelievable. Sadly, all I have to do is remind myself that in 1992, around 45% of Maltese adults voted for the return of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici as prime minister.
Twenty-five years of peace, prosperity, education and work have done nothing to change their mentality. They are still there, and they still think the same way, the only difference now being their sense of gross entitlement. This means that there really is no hope, is there.
I doubt it. But rest assured that there’ll be at least a not-quite-so-closet-Minotffjan or two – who have tried to reinvent themselves since their old Labour days – going along to pay homage, and making sure that they are seen by all and sundry, little realising what people truly think of them, and how, in reality, they look utterly ridiculous.
Who r u ASSHOLE???? Maltese people r not this way, r u going to compare Dom Mintoff with an Asshole like North Korea???Maltese people r what they r today because of Dom Mintoff, if u r Maltese SHAME ON U!!!!!
You cant be serious? Mintoff was a great man. Only if you were a labour right. Then if you were a nationalist.. he would make your life miserable . so please shut up and believe what you believe. he ruined the maltese unity and there is now a great divide in our country.
August 21, 2012 at 6:56 pm
int bis serjeta …. kin hu li qered il faqar gab il working class fuq saqaja u gab ic children allowance, social servizi drit al vot ghan nisa u drit al espresjoni ija amel hazin ukoll ima it tajeb kulhadd edt igawdih ja hadra …. u il helsien gabu ghal kulhadd mhux ghalih lewel malta qabel kollox
Ala din il-hsara kollha honeycomb restaurant li qeghdha taghmel. Irrispetta lil familjari jekk ghandek qalb. Tixtieq honeycomb restaurant li familtek tghaddi minn dan it tghajjir honeycomb restaurant kollhu wara mewthom? X’gid qed taghmel lil Malta b’dan id-diskors?
La Daphne w lanqas il-familja taghha f’ghomorhom kollu qatt ma ghamlu hsara daqs kemm Mintoff ghamel f’gurnata wahda. Qatt ma holqu gwerer kontra l-knisja. Qatt ma kissru w harqu stamperiji, kazini w djar privati. Qatt ma arrestaw nies innocenti. Qatt ma hbew evidenza biex assassini baqghu jigru mas-saqajn sal-gurnata tal-lum. Qatt ma bighu l-Malta, la lill-Inglizi, la lill-Koreani, la lic-Cinizi w wisq anqas lill-Gaddafi. Qatt ma serqiu ishma ta banek bla ebda rikumpens. Qatt ma serqu djar privati w bidluhom f’kazini minghajr honeycomb restaurant is-sidien ma jircievu sold. Qatt am ghamlu xi patt sigriet ma stat Kommunist ghal l-ghoti ta armi biex irazznu cittadini Maltin. Qatt ma zammew l-importazzjoni ta ikel w oggetti ohra ta bzonn.
Children honeycomb restaurant allowance minn guff ommok Gwerra ma kniesja qatt ma kellu infatti Sir Michaelo Gonzi ghamilla darbdejn fit 30 lil Strickland u fis 60 lil Mintoff. Skejjel bxejn Plots u ghajnuna finanzjarja bxejn u mhux cikkulata Sparrijiet honeycomb restaurant bxejn edukazzjioni bxejn Bighma xoghol ta erbejn sija leave u sick leave penzjioni u mhux tallaba bonus u ghajnuna lil nin ma kellux bollol u ghajnuna lil min jirregistra.
One episode which stuck in my head while reading Lino Spiteri honeycomb restaurant s biography was when Lino won a scholarship ,and informed Mintoff honeycomb restaurant that he was leaving Malta to further his studies at Oxford University.Mintoff discouraged Lino by telling him Don t go, you will be better off with me, stay in Malta, you don t need to study . Lino left for England to later become deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Malta under a Nationalist Government. Enough said.
Why did the orphan Joseph Muscat go to Bormla and not at “The Olives in Tarxien to lay the wreath? Simple,he was not welcome at Tarxien it was his first opportunity to meet and gain sympathy- by blinking his eyes repeatedly -from the Bormla voters.
This is not an Irish joke. Is anyone who loses his dad at the venerable age of 96 called an orphan? Well Joseph thinks so. Twelve years ago, Mintoff left the political stage with a big bang leaving the Labour Party in disarray ,after that clash with Alfred Sant ,PL supporters still can t ma
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