Friday, December 20, 2013

And who am I? Why to reflect, if you plan to take over the world and make it a huge ... well I do n

And who am I? Why to reflect, if you plan to take over the world and make it a huge ... well I do not know ... Lovers Club sea lions and beer "Carlsberg". Or "Kola". The first sounds cooler, right? In fact it is the problem of our Ukrainian culture - everything we've ever come up with, even brilliant, does not sound as cool as their neighbors maslow hierarchy of needs pdf abroad. No barbed, of course, but we think so.
Let's think about life. Surely not the cemetery or, God forbid ... And about something that stirs in our souls at night when I can not sleep when contemplating the ceiling invisible characters when scratching his head, foot, elbow, ass, and eyelids are not crammed together and pupils dilated ... When the grass is always nastyhaye maslow hierarchy of needs pdf delayed and so terrible "what will happen?". What happens maslow hierarchy of needs pdf ask? Somehow, it seems to me that people are already thousands of years does not change - just change the scenery. So then for the next twenty maslow hierarchy of needs pdf years, things should turn over upside nose? A couple parts of the world we forecast in the world will not do, to be sure.
We are too indifferent maslow hierarchy of needs pdf to make a difference. It is indifferent, and spoiled, cruel, stupid - then. After all called sinful passions, as they behold the righteous and the Puritans ohreschuyut mean fire in my heart. Where's the fire to go out of the house at eight, and come back at six-five, or even six days a week, comply with the laws and believe that the powers that will lead us to a brighter future, and all that do this - to obey and not to interfere? There is no fire. And who thinks otherwise maslow hierarchy of needs pdf - the tyrant.
We are always looking for something concrete that straddles the oceans of the earth. I'm looking for - on paper, and truly believe in their way. In fact, nothing appears out of nowhere and does not does not disappear. In fact that we live longer than we know now measly seventy-eighty years. In what some lash can still make our brains work in full, and not a tenth part. And naive "good." maslow hierarchy of needs pdf I have a right.
So everything written. No Mysteries: pen, paper, keys and a blank sheet of text editor available to everyone. Sometimes they call to him, sometimes frightening not worse worst monsters. My works - victory over my monsters, my demons, my Juno (ie Gemini-geniuses), my muses, my brains, which have miraculously not expired. All too easy to tell. Read on.
"Patriot" sounds to me like a sort of "Workers of all countries, maslow hierarchy of needs pdf Unite!" And refers, to put it mildly, not very pleasant to the era when it was possible to serve and be loyal to only one great power, which few believed her. I took it - unfortunately or fortunately maslow hierarchy of needs pdf - not found, but have heard more than once from the older generation Izdrykovoho something like: "I maslow hierarchy of needs pdf have already twice had no luck with the homeland: the USSR, now ..." or parental maslow hierarchy of needs pdf "That ponazatverdzhuyut new laws - and will be with us as before, when nothing "wrong" could not even piknuty. "
So I think now, after midnight on Andrew E, I and two with candle chandeliers: what it is - The one Ukrainian maslow hierarchy of needs pdf patriotism, and especially - today, when we have an independent state and other stuff. For now "patriot" to many - like red bull piece: lovers of bullfighting, the Coliseum, that riznoshtybnyh maslow hierarchy of needs pdf sights were are and will be "is maslow hierarchy of needs pdf ...".
And what does that troubles (olash) aqueous uncle who miscall themselves in such a careless word, not poshtur c ati: patriot, honest, maslow hierarchy of needs pdf sincere, full of desire to act for the good of the country - clearly visible through all the weaknesses and patched svytynu blahenku shirt. In the Great also own truth: the material a bit speculative, little maslow hierarchy of needs pdf corruption, a little criminal, and a little blood zalyapana, but who is looking at it? Importantly - Great. And go against the truth of that so quietly a "lie the bones" in zakavulku obscure, and no one will know even know where you are and what you are, and no grave, no mention, no popelynky of you will not.
For this unwritten axiom of life originates this kind of Ukrainian patriots like marazmatychni "kitchen philosophers." External attributes: kitchenette to Khrushchev, stool, ashtray - cropped nylon or tin bottle, cheap clock to squeak. Here is something we Rozmai! Here is what we rozvernemos! maslow hierarchy of needs pdf For a couple of tens of minutes and display a state of crisis and people will do with Ukraine lyalochku. Which of opponents (mostly authorities)? Take the machine and shoot all rolled hell!
Why is it that the word "patriot" is at best a skeptical smile? And you've last seen to someone wore this shirt, because he is her soul? No, it was transferred to the commerce nafarshyruvaly "cream" (not those delicious as those above) promotion of our culture - a sure way to go if you want to evoke in people disgust opposition to anything, and the rest - Lost

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