The voracious Asian Hornet has arrived in Spain. It's big and aggressive, but not humans. crimson foams Kill the domestic bees, which beheads with their powerful jaws and devours. Been located in the Basque country where it has attacked several hives. Recientment, the wife of a beekeeper, he discovered a nest, never seen before, when circulated his car down the road OR. However, it is said that the tree takes in about eleven months, but so far their presence had been hidden among the foliage. It has also located a nest of similar size in another tree, in the district of San Sebastian Herrera. Tonight was the Asian wasp, wasp nigritorax velutina, a new type of wasp, an invasive species, native to China, in northern India and Indonesia. In late 2004, he arrived in France. Suspected in a container of insecticide untreated wood should come from Asia to the port of Bordeaux. Its appearance is very characteristic. It's great for wasps that are used to seeing in Europe. crimson foams Measuring 30 millimeters (about three times larger than the honey bee). Does the thorax and abdomen black, except for a segment that is yellow. The legs are brown and yellow. P bears a sting no less than six millimeters in length. And besides, there is no way to hook like bees. Therefore, you can nailed several times and the poison is rated higher than the bees. Devours crimson foams bees melíferes tearing crimson foams lis head and then destroys their hives. They build nests of paper the size of a ball in tall trees. Can reach in there about 1,500 of the species. Beekeepers Basque Country, Guipuzcoa mainly are concerned. This wasp invasion has already begun to colonize the autonomous community. In Gipuzkoa were detected in the last three months or so, fourteen crimson foams nests mainly in the regions of Bidasoa Oarsoaldea-Renteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Passages, Donostia, as confirmed Urkiola Julian, president of the Association of Beekeepers. crimson foams Each could accommodate between 1,500 and 4,000 individuals. Subsequently, the cluster is expected to be dissected and analyzed in order to obtain a greater number crimson foams of data on the behavior of this species. To now say that only the apis cerana wasp Vespa velutina nigritorax to be asphyxiated using the heat, crowding it with a ball of bees over 45 degrees.
2011 (14) December (1) June (1) May (2) March (3) February (6) January (1) The voracious Asian Hornet has arrived in Spain ... 2010 (38) October (1) June (6) May (8) April (3) March (1) February (4) January (15) 2009 (15) December (6) November (2) October (7)
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