Lars Vallentin architectural foam - a living legend in the field of packaging. He worked architectural foam for more than forty years at Nestle, and knows all about packaging. In his new book, "packed", he not only shares his knowledge, but also tells a lot of interesting stories from his own experience. And he does it clearly and concisely for 17 lessons of 80 pages.
To find out what she wants and she loves buyer, think first about himself. What do you like? Packaging that is easy to open, crisp text on the back, the brand that you trust, transparency and clear brand name, packaging that is easy to grab, throw away or donate for recycling? Anything more complicated is required. Forget crackling words like "enlightenment" or "focus group". Simply invoke the aid of his intelligence and common sense!
Best of all this thesis formulated Coco Chanel about 80 years ago, dropping into circulation now famous phrase: "Always subtract, not add anything." Misa architect van der Rohe Still another phrase - it is repeated architectural foam often, but rarely follow it: "Less is more!". In today's packages architectural foam too much useless information - is beyond doubt.
Call it what you want - DNA, the spirit, the core value, the essence of the brand, super-idea, and so on and so forth: design package is designed to strengthen architectural foam the idea that lies at the heart of the brand (or product). Synergies should arise. Packaging design is invariably a component of communication, therefore, must
value, especially when it comes to packaging design. Officer in charge of packing, whether it is the marketing architectural foam director, the big boss or the technical director should be able to be hierarchical, structured lists, they were used by developers to package design. So do extremely rare, and as a result the end result turns into a "little bit of everything", and this is a sure way to create a failed package.
is it really necessary to the buyer on the recommended daily dose on the can of Coke or a bag of peanuts architectural foam and how then to be with emissions of carbon dioxide?
Try it sometime and you will see that the aluminum or steel cans cooler to the touch. The solution architectural foam that the development of new packaging has to take one of the first: architectural foam what material or combination of materials to choose, so that it best reflects the uniqueness of the product contained within.
Not surprisingly, the cardboard packaging with transparent windows are popular today: the majority of customers want to see, they become its curse. Even in the current paper bags make transparent windows. Why not make them in a sturdy box with a crane?
Layout package can be anything, depending on the product ideas and visual impressions, which want to achieve. An illustrative example architectural foam - instant soup sachets Panier de legumes French subsidiary Maggi. To find fault with this layout possible. It begins with a three-dimensional image at the top, followed by the list of ingredients, in the middle - a clear brand name, and at the bottom - the image of a soup ladle.
But I will never understand what they are doing on the front of the pack lyrics like "energy value of 85 kcal, three servings," etc. This type of information to be provided on the rear panel, leaving more space on the front for the motivating effect of trade circulation, the there is "rich in fiber, vitamins and vegetables" (in that order).
Today we annoy information about the nutritional value, are often too complex to her could understand the average buyer. At the same time, we keep hearing about global warming, about the dangers architectural foam of carbon emissions and the destruction of the ozone layer. Is it bad to be: use the packaging to tell customers about the environment (not just about recycling garbage), and also about how we can transform the Earth for the better by changing your lifestyle?
Professional designer packaging can not be solely a graphic designer. He must be aware of the forms and volumes, as well as how to create them.
Thin corrugated shipping containers, should be supplemented by a strong and tough retail packaging, and vice versa. A large and attractive architectural foam outlet can
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