good work Atesa ICAR (ICAR is an outsourced company providing services to them (x lousy way) to enterprise-ATESA ren a car mallorca, .for obvious reasons not tell my name ,. is a shame to see every day people from managers about all one tall with a mustache and beard three days with fallen pants when it reaches the Atesa office in the airport with him to the boxers are no joke is true not carry or belt looks like a scruffy rapper,.,. not knowing out daily Atesa reserves managed by ICAR (cleaning and refueling geofoam of vehicles movements) this man arrives in the morning (often later ,.) has four plugged loa q are flying at high speeds ,. road from the airport to are oms and do not tell them anything pq protects them, they come when they want to the trabvajo., late, when they want elllos ,. then puts on vacuum cleaners to earn more points and thus charge more (and explain that illegality in the company.,. that's another topic) does not serve as manager this man a certain juan gonzalez's I think, .this all day breading those who do not want in their turn just pq do not like him and not pq not take out work q they pull ,. this incompetent idiot or passes them sixt europcar then consequently have to call another person pq work rises and falls lame than great manager, .grande're juan, felisito .te, .in which are pemsando from the Directorate for icar barcelona geofoam to elect this man in charge ??? no competent people and good and fair to the workers.? is assumed that these letters are to improve the conditions of workers in icar in mallorca and good direction and good reputation which incidentally is now no good, . to the attention of the managers of barcelona of icar fix things, and heads: Find out ways to manage icar in mallorca,. ie by esyte charge evil., constructive criticism
2014 (4) June (4) juan gonzales shame Managers and ... guan gonzalez's bad manager Atesa ICAR ICAR Atesa the shame of mismanagement mallorca mallorca icar
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