Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pinoy Big Brother, the voyeurism was built and revolving in space panopticon, a concept borrowed fr

Pinoy Big Brother program. One of the programs obsession of many Filipinos. The most popular Reality TV Show now in our country. Why do so many Filipinos are following it?
From Baudrillard's idea of the simulacrum, Debord's concept to The Society of the spectacle and the Foucault's metaphor of the panopticon, this paper is about the Big Brother house (brother) as a panopticon, the innovative "copy" of the panopticon foam sweet foam of "real life" in the space "virtual" and where it having its own reality priceless "referent" in the day-to-day reality television out of oils.
According to Baudrillard, reality TV "also serves foam sweet foam to satisfy our thirst for voyeurism, invasion of privacy and as Baudrillard states, it increases our Fascination with the obscene. It is an exercise of 'desiring to be seen' and desiring the Other to return our gaze, as we desire that the mock celebrity reality television affords. In witnessing the privation of its participants, we are also celebrating our comforts simultaneously, so that there is a sadistic element to taking pleasure in watching the sufferings of others and work as well. 1
Pinoy Big Brother, the voyeurism was built and revolving in space panopticon, a concept borrowed from Foucault's Jeremy Bentham (1791). As cargo Disciplinary Power, the panopticon is an architecture designed for inmates. It is a circular enclosure which at its center is a tower to see all the action and movement of its inmates. As the guard tower also remains hidden from the eyes of its prisoners. foam sweet foam Due to the design foam sweet foam of its tower is assumed that only inmates that conform to the laws of watching it. For if anyone is watching catch that produce undesirable will be given punishment. It is nagpoprodyus of "regulatory behavior" because with or without sentinel above the tower (not visible inmate thereof), the prisoners are in accordance with the law and will of the tower.
The point of the panopticon is not the idea that there is active surveillance that can affect the behavior of the inmates but the structure of surveillance, active foam sweet foam or not, it is nagpoprodyus of conforming behavior.
If so, the brother's house serves panopticon prison where the housemates here. As was Big Brother also serves as a metaphor guards looking at all the action and movement of the housemates. He sees the housemates foam sweet foam and only voice they heard he just. And if any of the housemates violated the law in his home will be given punishment. Besides knowing that the housemates in the house of brother brother was not only visible, but they do as well as followers. The followers therefore also plays different role - as the "alter ego" Big Brother and as "Outpost" as the panopticon - the "Big Little Brother" which owns different foam sweet foam devices "gaze" and methods of surveillance (their foam sweet foam eyes and the TV set) Thus they not only conform to the wishes of brother but also the image that they display in its tracks. If acceptable image they show people they can identify and have good careers. But if not they can not relish the manunuod. This innovative panoptic discipline pinaiinog reward and punishment. If they comply with the law's foam sweet foam brother they are given rewards. (Depending on the task administered's brother) and if not they can give a punishment. (Such as automatic nomination.) Add yet there are people foam sweet foam who will decide nanunuod who do remain in the house by voting. It simply means that the discipline's brother inside the home and the housemates were divided into "true" and "false." These housemates are not only consistent foam sweet foam with the law's foam sweet foam brother but also to those who follow it. In effect they are individually packaging to be acceptable to the people. And also for a long stay in the house and hoped to win the prize.
According to Foucault, "Panopticon was also a laboratory: it could be used as a machine to carry out experiments, to alter behavior, to train or correct individuals. To experiment with medicines and monitor THEIR effects. To try out different punishment on prisoners According to THEIR crimes and character, and to seek the most effective ones. To teach different techniques simultaneously to the workers, are priority is to decide the best. & #

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