Ty Ba Ye Sub carpentry, aka Son Nhat tea, Flawless She originated in southeast China region and could in southern Japan, but could have been introduced into Japan from ancient times . Plants are recognized as already grown here for over 1000 years ago. West just known this tree in 1690 by the botanist describes Kaempfer. Mr. Thunberg observed in Japan in 1712 plants, trees should be described with more detail. Trees were planted in the National Park in 1784 and France in Paris taken from Guangdong to grow at Park Royal Kew in England in 1787, then the tree is growing in popularity in the Riviera, Malta and the countries bordering the Place Mediterranean as Algeria. Since 1818, the race for delicious fruit was developed in England (trees can be planted outdoors in the relatively warm area in the southern region of England.
Then the tree was developed in India and Southeast Asia (?), In the medium altitude area in East Indies, how do you roll Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Chinese immigrants brought crops is considered to Hawaii & Florida
In the New World, plants are grown in the northern region of the continent of South America, Central America, and from Mexico to the California, Florida (USA). Particularly in the US, in South Florida plants from 1867 and the Carolina but hardly for fruit tree planting in the northern region from Jacksonville older. From the late 19th century, the study of plant chosen CP Taft is much like planting good but not very developed. Until the 1960s, the trees 'dwarf' is created by grafting on tree root Quince helped more widely grown, especially in Israel. In the northern United States and Europe, crops are grown as ornamental plants and planting in the greenhouse.
Parts used: leaves, leaves buds (that thick, not old, not young). 40g fresh leaves are heavy, greenish or brownish pink, no crumbling, no leaf chlorosis and loss, not deep as well. According to Chinese medicine; Use a clean cloth coat, grab licorice to clean water, wipe dry milk all over your greased baking sheets which pass (Lei Gong Bao Luan Shots).
According to the Vietnam experience: Choose green, big, yellow leaves, crushed. To sieve over a bowl just enough how do you roll water. To leaf on the sieve, use a soft brush to carefully brush out hair. Otherwise it will cause itching neck and cough. Chopped, how do you roll dried (using how do you roll live).
Indication: - If the treated water laced stomach pain then grilled ginger, liver disease lung soaked grilled honey. Ginger soaked or soaked in honey gold star gold star (depending on the disease). Also, leaves hypoglycemic effect, used to treat type 2 diabetes - in waste heat such as cough and asthma expression: use her Pi Tang diệp with transparent packaging, Bach money and took off. - Temperature at, manifested as nausea and vomiting: Pi using chlorophyll her with one of those and Lot unit. Dosage: Day use 12-18 g of dried leaves / day.
Most of the research on the biological activities of tea paint made in Japan and China. Anticancer activity of hawthorn: how do you roll Research at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Okayama, Tsushima (Japan) noted flavonoids and flavonoid glucosides (kind glycopyranoside) extracted from tea leaf paint, generally called polyphenols can kill cells against some cancer cell lines of the mouth where the person (such as mouth cancer how do you roll cell membrane type of sarcoma, cancer salivary glands). Besides polyphenols also inhibit the onset of the antibody activity of the Epstein-Barr virus where Raji cells. This activity is considered to be due to the polyphenols and procyanidin B-2 Roseoside (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry No. 50-2002). The effect of lowering blood sugar: Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nanjing) how do you roll recorded extracts from tea leaves painted with alcohol 70% (EJA-0), normal mice and mice with primary cause alloxan road, with doses of 15, 30 and 60 grams (gross weights) / kg active how do you roll helps lower glucose levels significantly where diabetic how do you roll mice induced by alloxan: 30 gram dose / kg EJA-0 more efficiently phenformin dose of 100 mg / kg. Also extracts from leaf total sesquiterpenes also pronounced glucose lowering activity how do you roll and no toxicity with high doses (LD50 = 400.1g / kg) (American Journal of Chinese Medicine No. 35-2007). Another study noted compounds Nerolidol-3-O-alpha how do you roll + rhamnopyrosyl (1-> 4) alpha-l-rhamno pyranosyl (1-> 2) - [alpha-l-rhamno pyranosyl (1-> 6) ] -beta-dglucopyranoside, extracted from dried tea leaves paint activity lowers blood sugar tests where mice. This activity can be compared with the impact of drugs on the group glicazide how do you roll (Phytomedicine Number how do you roll July 2007). how do you roll Research at the University how do you roll of Naples (Italy) noted the glycoside compound poly hydroxylated 1-3 and 5-6 triterpenoids, obtained from hawthorn leaf extract with methanol, has the effect of causing urine sugar levels how do you roll and in the blood of diabetic rats caused by genetic transformation and in normal mice. (Planta Medica No. 57-1991). Active treatment of chronic lung inflammation (Chronic bronchitis): The type triterpene acid compounds in tea leaf paint was noted to have impact on the cytokine (
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