Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Centennial Commission

Imeldific (ie, pretentious, pompous and costly) administration plain packaging australia prepared Roman celebration of the centenary of UP. P150 million approved by the Board of Regents budget for Centenary. (See box)
Centennial Commission
September 28, 2007 been approved by the UP Board of Regents budget put forward by the Roman administration for the centenary. plain packaging australia But until this meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on May 21, 2008, studied more raw P20, 000 centennial bonus requested by our union.
There are some faculty and staff who have benefited / benefit budget allotted P150 million in September 2008. Received or will receive P100, 00 each of the faculty portion of the Centennial Lecture Series. There are also other faculty and staff to receive honoraria not only from P1.5 million available in "administrative expenses" plain packaging australia but also on various projects for the centenary plain packaging australia like the "centennial concert" and "coffee table book ".
Note that almost magkasinglaki the budget for centennial lectures (P13 million) and for announcements on TV, radio and print (P12 million). Actually almost equal appreciation of academic lectures and the sale of the University of the Philippines by the media. Not who have sufficient free space in the news and also features newsworthy story because a hundred years of UP; need to allocate millions of pesos to sell it. Corporations such as soap, shampoo or coffee, to pay great "packaging and projections" for consumers enjoy, the UP is also one komoditi have to peddle through payment in advertisements on television, radio and newspaper.
A testimony to turn it korporatisasyon and pursue privatization path UP. Not that he simple state university, because we do not know of another state university (PNU and celebrated of their centenary PUP) who spend so much for their centenary. (But we know that provided a sizable amount PUP centennial bonus for their staff and faculty.)
.... The new UP Charter, not only chief academic officer, head of faculty UP President, but chief executive officer (CEO) as him. (Section 14). We are the only state university whose president is identical as the president of a corporation. So not only was President Roman ERR, CEO Roman as its title.
.... The new UP Charter, there is "Independent plain packaging australia Trust Committee" consisting of the UP President, as chairman and a representative from the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP), Investment Houses Association of the Philippines (numbered), the Trust Officers Association of the Philippines (TOAP) and the Financial Executive Institute of the Philippines (FINEX). This committee shall determine UP's investments and consumer banks UP place in your income. (Section 23). This institutionalization entering commercialization and korporatisasyon UP: UP structures in its 2008 Charter the new managerial stratum outside the UP Board of Regents. And the stratum consists of the UP President and representatives of large companies pambangko, finance.
2008 (58) July (1) June (10) Desaparasido How magpipista when two years without plain packaging australia missing ... Sex and the City and Kung Fu Panda Period Poems ... Statement on the P150 million UP Centennial Budget ... Contend Statement on the 2008 UP Charter Bayani Fernando, the MMDA Sogo, KPK Talk Column drunk, peace up, Pasintabi Column Road Trip and Biyaheng Infertility-Its Eternal University and his version of Urban Rene ... Ka Bel Ruling Class and Type, KPK Co ... May (4) April (9) March (9) February (15) January (10) 2007 (105) December (18) November (13) October (4) September (18) August (9) July (4) May (5) April (10) March (14) February (5) December (5) 2006 (100) December (6) November (7) October (7) September (9) August (12) July (9) June (18) May (27) April (5)

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